Pest Control West Chester Pa

West Chester Pa Pest Control

The Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive plant hopper which are spreading rapidly and present a serious threat to gardens, orchards, and woodlands in West Chester. Lanternfly nymphs feed on small plants and vines in the spring using their piercing mouthparts to suck the sap out of stems, leaves, and even the trunks. After maturing into adults, Spotted Lanternflies begin feeding on trees. Infested trees develop weeping wounds which leave grayish or black trails along the trunk. In fall, adults lay egg masses on host trees and nearby smooth surfaces like outdoor furniture, stone, structures and vehicles. Early detection is the key to protecting crops such as apples, grapes, hardwoods and stone fruits on your property. Our treatment uses a systemic pesticide which is applied to the roots of the plant and absorbs into the tree itself. This treatment kills the Lanternflies as they attempt to feed. and prevents further infestation.

Pest Control: Why it's important to hire a professional: People in West Chester, PA encounter different kinds of pests throughout the year. One ant may be a sign of many others hiding in secret places. Over-the-counter treatments can be effective in killing visible insects, but a professional can eliminate the problem. Here are some reasons to hire a professional for pest control. They have the expertise to eliminate and prevent future infestations of common pests.

Pest Control Pennsylvania Brampton

Today we were out to perform your quarterly pest control service. We knocked down any Cobb webs and spider webs. Treated the entire exterior perimeter of the house including around windows, doors and soffit with a liquid residual for ants, spiders and general pest protection. Checked for any rodent activity or entry points, none visible. Dropped off four clothing moth traps per your request as well. Please report any other issues before our next scheduled service. Thank you

Pest Control Pennsylvania Brampton
Household Cleaners That Kill Bugs

Household Cleaners That Kill Bugs

green pest management westchester: You can read online customer reviews to help you choose a company that provides green pest management in West Chester Pennsylvania. There are many options for pest control. Make sure you thoroughly research each company. Talk to neighbors who have used green pest management services in the past. The only difference between traditional and green pest control is the lower thresholds.

Pest Control Pennsylvania Equipment

Termites are not dangerous to humans but can cause serious damage to your home's wood structures. Your lawn and landscape can be damaged by other pests, as they feed off crops and plants. Potential home buyers will not be interested in a home that has been infested by bugs. This can result in a decrease of the property's worth. To protect your crops, a professional pest control company will help you prevent infestations spreading.

Pest Control Pennsylvania Equipment
Musty Rat
Musty Rat

Pests in West Chester PA can be common. They can gain entry to your home through many different routes, including delivery box cracks or doors. If you see one ant, it could be an indicator that other insects may be hiding in dark or cramped places. Over-the-counter insecticides may kill visible bugs, but only a professional can eradicate them.

Western Pest Control West Chester Pa

Although termites don't pose any danger to humans or their habitats, they can cause significant damage to the wood in your home. The pests also feed on crops and plants so they can cause serious damage to your landscape and lawn. An infestation can cause a decrease in the value of your home. Potential buyers won't be interested in buying a house with bugs. An experienced pest control professional can help stop infestations from spreading to your crops.

Western Pest Control West Chester Pa

Frequently Asked Questions

Our pricing depends on a few factors including what kind of pest issue you have, the level of infestation and whether you would require a one-time visit or a program. If you give us a call or request a free estimate we will be able to quickly quote you a price.

Yes, we offer extermination service for bed bugs. The price depends on a number of factors and we would need to come to your home for a free evaluation to provide you with a quote for service. If you want a rough estimate we provide some details in our blog.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information in combination with available pest control methods is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.